Sports Funding
The Government recognises the importance of developing sport in primary schools and provides additional funding.
At Gorse Covert Primary we use this funding to:
- Enable children to take part in a wide range of competitive sports across the borough
- Buy into existing local sports network: Warrington’s Schools Sports Partnerships.
- Engage the least active pupils in school activities “Change for Life”.
- Provide training and support for staff and pupils to provide additional physical activity opportunties at lunch time in the form of Playground Friends
- Provide additional training for staff in areas of PE as required using qualified sports coaches
- Employ sports coaches to provide weekly afterschool sports to enhance the extra-curricular offer for pupils
Please see the document below to see how we are spending our funding. In addition to this funding we ensure that all our children have access to swimming lessons in Y4 and Y5 in order to meet national curriculum requirements, Included in the sport premium report is our swimming data which reports the percentage of children who can:
- swim compet.ently, confidently, and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- use a range of strokes effectively (for example front crawl, backstroke, and breaststroke)
- perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations