Any concerns over safeguarding should be reported to Mrs Cooke, who is the Designated Senior Person for Safeguarding (DSP).
Headteacher: Mrs G Poole
Deputy Headteacher: Mr R Gibson
SENCO: Mrs S Gibson
KS1 and EYFS Leader: Mrs C Gilbert
KS2 Leader: Mr Gibson
Reception teachers: Mrs Fernandes TA: Mrs Lad
Y1 teacher: Miss Spencer TA: Mrs Barnes
Y2 teachers: Mrs Gilbert TA: Mrs Buchanan
Y3 teacher: Miss Tolley TA: Mrs Lowson
Y4 teacher: Mr Gibson TA: Mrs Owen
Y5 teacher: Mr Keen TA: Mrs Dohoney
Y6 teacher: Mrs Gibson TA: Mrs Dohoney
KS1 Designated Provision (Dragonflies): Mr Horne, Miss Dickinson, Miss Cole and Mrs Cooper
KS2 Designated Provision (Fireflies): Miss Gibbons, Mrs Fenton, Miss Platt and Mrs Cooper
DSL: Mrs Poole
Deputy DSL: Mr Gibson
Health and Wellbeing Lead: Mrs J. Owen
Maintenance Officer: Mark Tregear
Evening Caretaker: Stewart Wilkes
Office Staff: Mrs Wilkes, Mrs Burgess and Mrs Whalley
Midday Assistants: Mrs Dohoney, Mrs Barnes, Mrs Owen, Mrs Burgess, Mrs Lad, Mrs Buchanan and Mrs Lowson