
All our children are put into one of four houses; Shakespeare, King, Earhart or Holmes. Throughout the week children can earn house points for exemplary work or behaviour. Each week the house points are added up and the winning house is announced. At the end of the term, the house with the most points has a non-uniform day.
Throughout the year, we organise ‘House Days’ which are around a particular theme. The children then work in House groups rather than year groups during the day on a range of activities. These House Days are very popular and it is wonderful to see the younger children being supported by the older children.
Some of the House Days that we’ve done have been on Disability Awareness, Safeguarding, Mental Health, the Olympics and the Commonwealth Games.
Each year some of our Y6 children put themselves forward for House Captain. Their house listens to their proposals about why they would be a good leader and then they make their choice during a ‘General Election’ through a democratic process.