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E-Safety at School

We are committed to keeping our children safe. The digitial world has wonderful benefits but comes with risks if not used safely. As part of our Computing and PSHE curriculum we teach children about E-Safety and how to keep themselves safe online. 

For parents it can be challenging because things change so rapidly. Please see the section below which has several links you can use to upskill your own knowledge and strategies for keeping your child safe. We are a member of National Online Safety which keeps us up-to-date with all the latest information. We share this information with parents so that you too can keep abreast of changes and the latest advice. In recognition of the work we do in school and with parents National Online Safety have given us Certified School status. 

Our Online Safety Policy can be found in the policy section. 

E-Safety Advice for parents

Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre – ceop.police.uk
Thinkuknow – https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk
NSPCC – http://www.nspcc.org.uk
UK Safer Internet Centre – www.saferinternet.org.uk
BBC – http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/curations/stay-safe
Childline – http://www.childline.org.uk
Vodafone Digital Parenting – http://vodafonedigitalparenting.co.uk

The school works with National Online Safety and has access to webinars and courses for staff and parents. If you would like to have more information about these, please contact the school office. Below are a few examples of guidance for parents to help you protect your children when using apps and playing games online. We regularly email these guides to parents. 

internet safe filtering and monitoring

Filtering: The school has a system provided by the local authority called Fortinet.  This will block all traffic that comes through the school’s network, including the school’s wireless, that is classified according to an international classification system as inappropriate.  This includes classifications in multi-languages and images, covering a range of material including extremism.

Monitoring: The school monitors internet access by:

– receiving a report on the most blocked websites from school network at least annually, sharing this with WBC ICT to assess the greatest risks/concerns 

– training children to report (Kidsafe programme and E-Safety) and responding to all reports of inappropriate content, informing the LA as necesary (nothing was reportable for last 4 years).

-random reviewing of internet browsing histories

10 rules to stay safe online

Follow these 10  rules to stay safe online

1. Never give out personal information.

2.Tell a grown up if you find something that is not right. 

3. Never agree to meet people.

4. Never send your personal picture.

5. If someone says something mean online, tell a grown up.

6. Don't do things online that you know are wrong.

7. Check with an adult before you download anything.

8. Never share your password.

9. Set up rules at home for going online.

10. Show your parents/ carers how you use the internet.

Ask yourself

"Will my Mum/Dad/Carer be happy with what I'm doing, saying or posting?"

If the answer is no- DON'T DO IT

NOS Certified-School-2022-23
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